Rules are subject to change with the needs of the community, and announcements will be made in Discord to call out changes. It’s the responsibility of players to stay up to date on the rules.

We’re not here to excessively control your roleplay; instead, we’ve established a straightforward set of rules that promotes immersive storytelling over strict adherence. Keeping this in consideration, we request that you approach each roleplay situation with an open mind and address rule violations only after they occur.
Our objective is to create an environment where losing a gunfight or a chase doesn’t penalize the player but instead enriches the experience for all parties, offering a fun and engaging roleplay encounter.
The staff will assess rule violations and corresponding penalties based on the real impact of the rule breach. In instances where a rule break contributes to a positive roleplay experience for all involved parties, the staff will likely refrain from intervening. Our role is not to monitor your every move but rather to foster positive and enjoyable experiences while safeguarding players’ rights to have those experiences. You should not sense constant scrutiny from the staff at every moment.

1. We prohibit racism, sexism, or any form of hateful prejudice in this community, aiming to create a space where all players can feel secure while playing. Hateful behaviour will not be tolerated on this server.

2. Harassment, whether of a sexual nature or otherwise, is strictly prohibited. Any behavior that involves persistent, aggressive pressure or approaches the realm of intimidation on an out-of-character (OOC) level goes against the server rules. It’s important to note that this rule does not apply to characters engaging in genuine RP scenarios, and it cannot be utilized by players to evade the consequences of their in-character actions. If you believe you are experiencing harassment, please feel free to open a support ticket to discuss the issue, and we will assist you in finding a resolution.

3. Prioritize Roleplay:
Maintain your in-character status on the server consistently. Engage in roleplay during the unfolding encounters. If you witness a rule violation, report it after the scenario concludes. (Exceptions apply to major rule breaks such as racism, sexual abuse, or severe harassment).

As a community-driven city, it is expected that you reciprocate roleplay when offered, even if you are focused on grinding. This server emphasizes roleplay as its primary focus, with gaming being secondary.

4. No Exploitation Allowed:
If you come across a mechanic that appears to be malfunctioning or excessively powerful (e.g., emote spamming), please inform the staff and refrain from utilizing the said mechanic. Additionally, avoid actions that exploit situations, such as combat logging, camping medical points, engaging in major crime mechanics shortly after a restart, or coercing police officers to drop PD equipment, especially if game mechanics prohibit such activities.

5. Manipulating Respawn Mechanics:
Only employ the respawn mechanic when you are inaccessible to PD or medical services, or when you encounter a glitch.

6. Green Zones:
Certain areas on the server explicitly prohibit activities like kidnapping, robbing, or using weapons to assault others. Moreover, camping the exits of these zones or intentionally seeking refuge within them to evade ongoing conflicts is strictly forbidden. These zones include hospitals (both inside and their parking areas) and the Boring Towers (including its surrounding area).

7. Exploiting Teleportation Points:
Various mechanics, such as elevators and housing doors, facilitate teleportation to different locations. Engaging in hold-ups or immediate attacks on individuals emerging from these exits is explicitly forbidden. It is essential to grant any departing party the opportunity for counterplay, allowing them to seek cover or re-enter/exit the building.

8. Respect Your Life and Others:
Prioritize the safety of your character and those they hold dear, such as police officers with innocents or hostages, friends, and acquaintances. When facing a gun at your back or being unarmed, it’s crucial to surrender unless you intend to roleplay the complete repercussions of your actions for narrative purposes (e.g., planning for permadeath or other severe permanent consequences, like losing a government job or enduring lasting negative character drawbacks, such as being unable to shoot or drive).

9. No Random Deathmatching Allowed:
Refrain from attacking or initiating combat with another player without prior verbal RP interaction or being formally engaged in combat first. This rule extends to both on-foot encounters and vehicular situations, including drive-by incidents. It is essential to provide adequate RP and counterplay before resorting to shooting.

10. Avoid Metagaming:
Metagaming involves utilizing information that your character has not acquired through in-character means. This includes details obtained from streams, Discord direct messages, or any other out-of-character sources of information.

11. No Stream Sniping Allowed:
Show your support for streamers by subscribing, promoting their streams, and contributing positively to their community. However, never use a stream to acquire information about a streamer’s needs or location with the intention of joining them on the server under any circumstances.

12. Avoid Power Gaming:
Power gaming involves completely depriving a player of agency in a situation. It is essential to leave players with at least some options for counterplay in a given scenario. An illustration of counterplay is providing kidnapped players with choices to resolve their predicament before causing harm, as long as it aligns with the RP context.
While the police mechanics inherently involve power gaming for players committing crimes, police players should strive to offer counterplay whenever feasible and available.

13. Heist Restrictions:
A maximum of 5 players is allowed for a heist or crime mechanic. For police involvement, the police limit is set at 8, unless the encounter has extended beyond 25 minutes and becomes violent.

14. Conflict Regulations:
In order to foster a enjoyable and immersive environment for players of all kinds, conflicts involving civilians and criminals are restricted to 5v5. Nevertheless, groups have the option to mutually waive this conflict rule through the OOC chat.

14a. Turf or Property Definition:
Designated as a small area or section (consisting of a few buildings or an interior) that you have adequately roleplayed with tags, RP, or government acknowledgment. Large areas or regions are not eligible for this classification. (For instance, you cannot claim all of Little Seoul for defender’s rights; only a specific portion may be claimed.) Turf CANNOT be taken from another gang/family without it being set out in war terms beforehand.

14b. Defending Turf or Property:
In the event of an attack on your designated turf or property, and you have more than 5 people present, your gang/group is permitted to defend yourselves. However, individuals who were not on your turf at the time of the attack may not join the engagement beyond the specified numbers limit.

14c. Avoid Leading Conflicts to Your Turf:
It is prohibited to intentionally initiate a conflict and direct it to your designated turf as a means to bypass established numbers limits.

15. Copyrighted Music Policy:
Refrain from jeopardizing content creators by playing copyrighted music in public spaces. Make a conscious effort to safeguard content creators, recognizing that such actions could threaten their livelihood. Exceptions are made for inside clubs and bars with appropriate scenes, where bouncers warn patrons, allowing for the use of copyrighted music.

16. Off-Server Behavior:
We do not intend to intervene in your personal relationships. While we will take action to remove anyone not aligned with our goal of fostering a healthy, safe community, we are not inclined to mediate personal disagreements between players.

17. Mature Server:
This server is designated for individuals aged 18 and above, implying that humor and conversation topics may occasionally involve adult content. ERP is ALLOWED on the server but MUST be done behind closed doors (such as an apartment or house where nobody else can access without permission)

18. Fail RP Violation:
If you are deliberately distorting the in-game environment, either by providing exceptionally poor roleplay or disrupting other players’ experiences through abnormal obnoxious behavior that undermines the server’s serious tone, we reserve the right to remove you. This action is taken to uphold our server’s commitment to maintaining a high-quality roleplaying experience.

19. Ban Appeals:
In certain report contexts, it may be unsafe to keep you in the discord server. However, you have the option to utilize the Ban Appeal function on the website to present arguments or dispute details of your ban. Staff members recognize the potential for fallibility and acknowledge the possibility of mistakes in the administration of a ban. Furthermore, the staff member who implemented the ban will not be involved in the ban appeal process.

20. Pocket Wiping:

Under no circumstances, are you allowed to pocket wipe another player. You are only allowed to take items that make sense for your character to take. For example, a criminal would take VPNs, Drugs and so on. Taking someone’s food and fishing gear, for example, is not acceptable and will not be tolerated. – Please note, baiting Police into a situation just so you can take their items, is also not allowed under any circumstances and bans will be issued.

21. Heist Breaching:

(interfering.) When a group of individuals are engaging or mid scene in a heist or any other type of robbery, other “criminal” group(s) should not be injecting themselves or attempting to Interfere with the original group that initiated the heist.

ExampleGroup one is participating a robbery at Vangelicos Jewellery store. Group one is the first to arrive and have done the necessary checks to ensure there is no active scene and the store is hittable, they go ahead and start putting in place their plan for a scene here (this can include anything they do to enable their scene such as hostages, scene placement, and/or began hitting the cases – this does not include standing around holding the store waiting out the Cool down). Group two arrives to attempt the robbery themselves (i.e breach group one in an attempt to gain the heist for themselves) Group two should immediately leave the scene and move onto a different RP scenario. leaving group one alone to finish their scene