Rules are subject to change with the needs of the community, and announcements will be made in Discord to call out changes. It’s the responsibility of players to stay up to date on the rules.

We’re not here to excessively control your roleplay; instead, we’ve established a straightforward set of rules that promotes immersive storytelling over strict adherence. Keeping this in consideration, we request that you approach each roleplay situation with an open mind and address rule violations only after they occur.
Our objective is to create an environment where losing a gunfight or a chase doesn’t penalize the player but instead enriches the experience for all parties, offering a fun and engaging roleplay encounter.
The staff will assess rule violations and corresponding penalties based on the real impact of the rule breach. In instances where a rule break contributes to a positive roleplay experience for all involved parties, the staff will likely refrain from intervening. Our role is not to monitor your every move but rather to foster positive and enjoyable experiences while safeguarding players’ rights to have those experiences. You should not sense constant scrutiny from the staff at every moment.

You must value your life, freedom, and the lives of others (including NPCs) by taking risks appropriate for your character and role playing authentic consequences. This ain’t your average NVL rule folks! Taking a high risk action must result in reciprocally high consequences should you fail.

Diagnosis and treatment of psychiatric conditions is prohibited.

The initiating party in player vs player conflict may not outnumber the targeted characters by more that 2 to 1.

Groups, Families or Enterprises (civilian or criminal) are limited to 16 people max.

Our expectation is that at all times, players are mindful of game and community rules, the lore and setting in which their character exists (RDR2 in 1895), and their impact on the RP happening around them.

Permanent death isn’t required for any reason and is the sole decision of the character’s player.

PVP Conflict: 2 to 1 advantage, maximum.
The initiating party in player vs player conflict may not outnumber the targeted characters by more that 2 to 1.
This also applies to parties initiating into a scene that’s already in progress.

Characters who were played on other servers are blank slates.

Players must play original characters.

When committing a crime, where there are no witnesses or no witnesses left alive (e.g., NPCs or the victim has chosen to perma), scenes must be placed as evidence to allow counterplay.

More rules added TBA